Obtaining a Copy of Your Closed File
Pappalardo & Pappalardo, LLP has an ethical, and sometimes legal, duty to retain certain records and documents for seven (7) years. Some original documents will be provided to clients upon the closing of their matter and thereafter are solely the responsibility of the client to retain for future use. There are a limited number of original documents which will be retained by Pappalardo & Pappalardo, LLP in perpetuity.
All requests for copies for closed files are subject to a $75.00 archive retrieval fee per file. There will also be a charge of $0.50 per page, $5.00 per CD or DVD, $20.00 per USB flash drive, and $50.00 per hard drive.
To obtain a copy of your file, please send a request to info@pappalardolaw.com. Please include (1) your full name, (2) your phone number, (3) the court where your case was handled, (4) the year your case was closed, and (5) and any other information, such as a description of the specific documents needed.
Court Records and Certificates of Disposition
Requests for court records, including transcripts of proceedings, should be directed to the Clerk of the Court where your case was adjudicated or to the County Clerk of that jurisdiction.
A Certificate of Disposition is an official court document that says what happened in a criminal case. This will indicate the original charges, what the disposition was, and certain relevant dates. You may be asked to submit a Certificate of Disposition to your employer or a potential employer. To obtain a Certificate of Disposition, contact the Clerk of the Court where your case was adjudicated.