Drinking and Driving

Are You Eligible for a Hardship Privilege?

By Jill K. Sanders, Esq. If you’re arrested for Driving While Intoxicated (“DWI”), your license will likely be suspended at your arraignment. But what about getting to work? How about attending cla...
Drinking and Driving

New York State’s Tough New Drunk Driving Laws

On November 18, 2009, Governor Patterson signed into law the Child Passenger Protection Act (Leandra’s Law).  As a result, New York State now has some of the toughest drunk driving laws in the entire...
Drinking and Driving

Drunk Driving or Drag Racing May Cost You Your Car

Criminal defense attorney John Pappalardo of the Westchester New York law firm of Pappalardo & Pappalardo, an expert in both Driving While Intoxicated and Illegal Speed Contests law, spoke in fron...
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