Re-entry Guide for Registrants

A Unique Re-entry Guide for Registrants on the Sex Offender Registry

December 28, 2017

“Sex offender” can be a very jarring term. Consequently, attention given to this term centers around the offense and the people who caused harm. However, people required to register on sex offender registries are often excluded from these conversations. Rarely, space is created for repairing the harm done and restoring lives.


Of course, reducing the incidence of sexual violence is crucial, but it’s important to note that notification and registration for sex crimes are not as effective as many think such efforts are. Registrants are systematically denied access to jobs, housing, and social support. Not only that, but the families of registrants frequently feel a sense of stigma, shame, and alienation. Ultimately, registrants are not given the proper tools for successful reentry into their communities. For this reason, the Sex Law and Policy Center recently released “Registering with Dignity: A Practical Guide to Reentry and Life on the Registry.”


The Sex Law and Policy Center has worked to create this unique re-entry guide, designed for registrants and their loved ones to navigate life after registration and re-entry. Written by a registrant, this guidebook aims to help with the difficulties that go along with registering or supporting someone you love who must register. The necessary tools and information for successful re-entry are all compiled in this free, downloadable PDF document. 


Topics discussed in this guide include:

  • What to expect from registration
  • Constitutional protections
  • The re-entry process
  • Treatment of registered sex offenders
  • Rights to sexual expression
  • What to expect from loving someone on the registry


The rehabilitative process can be very valuable, and it is important for a person on the registry to see its value as well. As one detail in their lives, a criminal conviction does not have to define a person completely. That being said, self-advocacy requires responsibility and accountability. There must be a commitment to improve and educate oneself. Because of this, this comprehensive guide seeks to encourage registrants to believe their ability to change for the better.


Read “Registering With Dignity: A Practical Guide To Reentry & Life On The Registry,” or visit the Sex Law and Policy Center’s website at
