Keeping in Touch with Prisoners

Keeping In Touch With Imprisoned Loved Ones

While maintaining contact with a loved one in prison can be difficult and emotionally taxing, staying connected can make a huge difference in their life. Prisons are impersonal and can often strip ind...
New York Prison Care Package Policy

Changes to New York Prison Care Package Policy

Recently, the New York correctional system has made some dramatic changes to the regulations for sending care packages to imprisoned loved ones. Before the recent policy change, care packages were all...
Prison Visits in New York

Prison Visits in New York: What You Need to Know

Having a loved one serving a sentence in prison can be incredibly difficult, especially during times like the holiday season. Visiting your loved one can be very helpful to them during this time, and...

Solitary Confinement: The Pros and Cons

Solitary confinement reaches a new depth within imprisonment. While the conditions vary from state to state, incarcerated persons are generally kept in small quarters behind a solid steel door for 23...